Acrylic Chairs, Acrylic Coffee Table, Acrylic Desk, Acrylic Tables

Reasons To Decorate With Clear Acrylic Furnishings

When working with clear acrylic, there are many benefits that come with it. The professionals at Muniz want to ensure you are fully aware of the maximum potential of acrylic tables and furniture. We custom make furniture, awards, and sculptures. We are located in Miami, but ship all across the US to states such as Texas, and even ship worldwide as well.


What is Lucite?

You probably have heard the term lucite thrown around a bit when shopping for acrylic tables, but don’t worry! Before the term gets confused, lucite is a form of acrylic.  Just like Kleenex or Band-aids, lucite is actually a trademark. It is just a brand name. Lucite was sold commercially as a high-quality acrylic that was available by 1937, and the material was soon being used in various designs, from jewelry to handbags to furniture. Acrylic can be used as replacements for glass in many products, with varying degrees of visual and constructive qualities.


The Benefits of Clear Acrylic

  • It adds elegance
    • Acrylic can be used as replacements for glass in many products, with varying degrees of visual and constructive qualities.


  • Flows perfectly with other decors
    • Whether you have a brightly colored themed room or have placed wooden furniture in your home, acrylic tables go with all sorts of home decorations. You can team up an acrylic table with wooden sofas or chairs. It will just look great.


  • Not harmed by the environment


  • When it comes to wooden furniture, an issue individuals face is that with time, it becomes dull and needs polishing for retaining its luster. Also, they may be susceptible to termite damage or becoming damaged due to continuous exposure to water. Glass furnishings, on the other hand, are always at risk for developing cracks, scratches, or breaks. To keep your furniture looking its best for the long run, it is best to invest and consider acrylic. It does not crack and environmental factors do not have any impact on it.


  • Maximizes space
    • People with small spaces often find it difficult to place tables in the room as it makes the space feel crowded. Acrylic furnishings are transparent. It allows 92% of light penetration through it, making the room appear larger.

Contact Us Today

If you are looking at your options when it comes to choosing furnishings, the best choice is to invest in a clear acrylic piece. Great quality furniture is what can instantly glam up the look of your home and make your abode a comfortable one! We sell acrylic tables and furniture that will add elegance to your home. Muniz is the best choice. All of our furnishings are made in the United States. Call or visit us today for more information. We can ship all across the United (such as NY, California, Texas, etc.) and ship worldwide as well.