Acrylic Chairs

Why You Should Redesign Your Entire Dining Space With Acrylic Chairs

acrylic dining chairs in Texas

Are you looking to improve the look of your dining room? Maybe your home is looking a little outdated. Have you ever considered the use of acrylic dining chairs? The experts at Muniz can custom create pieces that make your space look and feel like a work of art. We specialize in offering the best acrylic chairs that are sure to transform your dining room and will stand the test of time. 


Should You Get Acrylic? 

  1. It is the “Clear” Winner
    1. Due to the nature of acrylic tables, the clear material truly can suit just about any already themed room . A clear chair will also fit in well with any already existing color scheme and is great for making a room look larger than it already is. So if you’re just looking for a couple of spare chairs for a get-together or don’t feel brave enough to interrupt your current kitchen or dining room design, this clear option could be right for you. However, if you’re feeling daring and want to add a pop of color to your eating space, opt for one of our brighter shades of cushion fabrics to go over your acrylic chairs and some of our dining room tables do have a few accent color options as well.. 
  2. Easy to clean and mess resistant 
    1. This is probably an obvious reason, but we’re going to tell you anyway. Having acrylic furniture is super convenient when you’ve got kids, pets, or just an accident-prone partner! Stains and ruined fabric are things of the past when you begin to introduce acrylic into your home. Our dining chairs are easily wiped down, and any liquid will run straight off of them. You can drink red wine to your heart’s content and wave goodbye to the dreaded fear of spills ruining your dining chairs! To clean our chairs, simply take a bucket of warm, soapy water and use a cloth to cleanse gently. Pat dry with a clean towel or microfiber cloth and voila! That’s all it takes.
  3. Fast and easy way to modernize your home
    1. It can be tough to keep up with modern trends. We feel that timeless, well-made pieces are the way to go in this arena. A simple and easy way to switch up and modernize your kitchen or dining space is to change up the chairs! If you prefer a more classic look, clear acrylic dining chairs can provide exactly what you need and you simply need to select  a modern silhouette.


We Offer The Best Acrylic Dining Chairs 

We at Muniz offer some of the finest quality acrylic furniture on the market. Not only do we offer elegant, timeless designs, but our acrylic chairs are produced in the USA and can be customized to your liking. Our famous Ashley Chair for example, features a minimalist, sleek design with white cushioning that can be easily detached and washed. Another popular option we offer is our Michelle Acrylic Chair, perfect for dining rooms and living rooms alike, and can even be a great addition to your office space. The Michelle is available in a variety of colors. If you’re looking for something that will stand out even more, our Sofia Acrylic Chair comes with a unique T-shaped back design that offers just a little bit more oomph and is sure to pop in any home.


Call Us For Today! 

Are you looking to make your entire space glisten with acrylic dining chairs? Be sure to become familiar with the different types of custom acrylic designs and how they would look in your home. Since 1965, Muniz has designed and created high-quality Acrylic/Lucite products that continue to impress and satisfy the needs and wants of customers. With over 45 years of experience in producing and designing Acrylic products, including acrylic chairs. Call our experts located in Texas.